Start of my Journal/Weblog

I have long wanted to start recording some of my thoughts, primarily for personal reasons, but if others are interested they are more then welcome to read them.

I am still undecided on the medium in which to do this, but since I am a computer guy, and do like technology, I have decided to post them in the form of a weblog. I, in many ways, need things to be easy to do, or I have a tendency to ignore them - and since I am on the computer a weblog seemed to be the best way to facilitate that.

I will just cut to the chase with my thoughts/reflections for today:

In listening to Fr. John Corapi on the local Catholic radio station, and had a few questions answered for me today. Lately I have been struggling with identifying what my role in this life is. This is a common struggle, from what I have been told, and seen first hand, but I guess this is one of my times in life to deal with this struggle. You see I hear about all this good that people are doing in spreading and living the message of the Gospel. Me, I am a computer network guy, and aspire to make a bigger impact on the world then by just sitting behind a desk and configuring network equipment all day.

Marion, my wife, assures me that there are all types of people in the world, and that we are all called in different ways. She is right, but it is just taking me a while to accept that. Today I had some further confirmation of that. First Fr. Corapi stated that we should not all try, right away to be like the great saints. St. Francis he said would fast all of lent, and only eat a half loaf of bread. But St. Francis had special graces in order to do that. We do not all have the same graces that St. Francis had.

Then as I was reading my daily bible reading, in the book of Romans, Paul states that we are all members of the Body of Christ. We are many different parts that make up the body. (I have a little song rattling off in my mind.)

Paul says that we have different qualities by reason of the grace given to us (Rom 12:6) - confirmation/re-iteration of the point Fr. Corapi was getting across.

Once again Marion was right, but being the person I am, I needed to continue to dig and in the process, continue to struggle, until I hear multiple reassurances of that confirmation.

I know I am called to be a loving father and husband. I will continue to do that, with the help of God's grace. At the same time I hope to be able to further reflect on the graces that God has given me, so that I might become all that he has called me to be.

I hope that this journal is indeed one way to help facilitate that reflection.