
What a fun night last night.  It was beautiful here in WI considering that it was the last day of October.  I think it got up in the 60's yesterday.  I decided since it was so nice that Rhys should come out on our trick-or-treat adventure with us.  The girls could not wait to get out and start getting candy.  As a matter of fact, Ellie woke up yesterday and said, "I get candy!".  She was slightly disappointed when I told her she had to wait until that night.  That turned into a bit of a lie since every place we went to yesterday handed her candy.  She was on a sugar high before the actual trick-or-treating even started.  At 4:00 we started out around the neighborhood.  I took the kids first.  That was Victoria's idea.  She thought I should take them around half the neighborhood and then go home and feed Rhys while Gabe took them out.  She is always so concerned about Rhys eating.  It was a good plan, though.  I missed trick-or-treat time last year because I had class so I was excited to see them go from house to house.  They had an awesome time.  Victoria was a little shy about ringing the doorbells but once she understood that you could go to the doors that had lights on, she was fine.  Ellie had to run to keep up with Victoria.  She was moving slow trying to check out every piece of candy that she got.  I think Ellie's favorite part of the night was handing out candy.  She got so excited once that she dropped all the candy on the ground.  Good thing for wrappers!!  It was such a fun night and everyone was exhausted.  Gabe took the girls up to bed around 8:30 and everyone fell asleep in our bed (Ellie was still wearing her costume).  I would say that was a good night!!!